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Approved Minutes 05/21/09
Salem Planning Board
Minutes of Meeting
May 21, 2009

A regular meeting of the Salem Planning Board was held on Thursday, May 21, 2009 at 7:00 p.m. in Room 312, Third Floor, at 120 Washington Street, Salem, Massachusetts.

Those present were: John Moustakis, Nadine Hanscom, Gene Collins, Christine Sullivan, Tim Ready, and Tim Kavanaugh. ~Also present: Lynn Duncan, City Planner, Danielle McKnight, Staff Planner and Stacey Dupuis, Clerk

Absent: Chuck Puleo (Chair), Dave Weiner and Pam Lombardini

John Moustakis chaired the meeting.

Form A Application for Endorsement of Plan Believed Not to Require Approval- 25 Cedarcrest Avenue, Salem, MA (Map 21, Lot 0243). Steven J. Caruso represented by Attorney Michael P. McCarthy
Attorney Michael McCarthy said the smaller lot created by the ANR would not be a building lot, and was marked as such on the plan. Christine Sullivan asked why his client wished to divide the land this way; McCarthy said there is no agreement yet, but the lot would probably be conveyed to an abutter.  This would add on to the rear of the abutter’s lot.  If the abutter wanted to build on it, they would have to come to the Planning Board.
There being no further discussion on this matter, a motion was made by Tim Ready to approve the application, seconded by Tim Kavanaugh and approved unanimously.

Approval of Minutes- March 19, 2009

The minutes of March 19, 2009 were reviewed. There being no discussion on this matter, a motion was made by Nadine Hanscom to accept the minutes, seconded by Tim Ready and approved unanimously.

Zoning Recodification Discussion – Lynn Duncan

Lynn Duncan gave a brief update on the Zoning Recodification effort. Each Board member had two copies of this document, the original and a copy with strike-through to show changes.  Lynn Duncan said that the end result of the Zoning Recodification would be an easier to understand document for Board members and the public; it would have clearer and more up to date terms.   For example, she said that currently, this zoning ordinance has no provision for frontage; instead the building inspector has used lot width, so there is now a frontage requirement based on lot width that is spelled out in the document.   She said that the Zoning Committee, which is made up of two representatives from each city Board, and the Planning Department has set aside some “parking lot” issues that will be dealt with at a later time, since the priority for now was to reorganize the document for clarity and ease of use; larger zoning changes would be undertaken at a later time.   Lynn Duncan will be meeting with the (City Council) Committee of the Whole next week regarding Zoning Recodification and hopes it will then go to the City Council on the 28th.    From there it would then likely be referred to the Planning Board and then a joint public hearing would be held.  Lynn would like the recodification be adopted by August.  

Parking was brought up as one future issue to be addressed through zoning.  There was a brief discussion about addressing parking in downtown Salem.   

Tim Ready said the Planning Department should be commended for their work on the Zoning Recodification, the document is succinct and readable and is a huge accomplishment.  John Moustakis mentioned the PUD zoning and feels that while it’s flexible, but could be interpreted in different ways.  Lynn Duncan agreed that it’s poorly written and said that there is nowhere in the text that says it needs to be mixed use.  She suggested a local discussion needs to take place for this.

Old/New Business

Tim Kavanaugh mentioned that someone may come in and see an opportunity for a private parking garage as a way to make money.   Board members had a short discussion about parking garages in Salem, their safety and cleanliness.  Christine Sullivan mentioned that the lot on the other side of the Congress Street Bridge, which is an outdoor lot, needs to be cleaned up and have lighting added to it.  Gene Collins said that this lot was offered years ago as an additional Pickering Wharf parking lot. It was also suggested that if the parking lot behind the old Almy’s were to be changed, then Lynde Street should go back to its original direction.  

There being no further matters to come before the Board, Nadine Hanscom made a motion to adjourn, seconded by Christine Sullivan and approved unanimously.

Meeting adjourned at 7:40 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,
Stacey Dupuis